This isn’t the usual thing I’d share on this blog, but I thought a few of you may appreciate it, so here I go…

On Friday morning, my boyfriend said he’d been allowed to go into work late (as he’d worked late the night before) and asked if I would like to join him for breakfast before he went in. I’d had an exercise class booked, but – unsurprisingly – was happy to cancel this at the prospect of a fry up.

We decided to go to Pavillion Cafe in Victoria Park, one of our favourites. As we walked through the park we took a detour (as we often do) to the Chinese Pagoda that overlooks the lake. This was all fairly normal, and just as I was about to take a seat on the side of the pagoda, Harry said he’d forgotten to show me a cool stationery thing from work. Before I knew what had happened, he’s handed me this…

Whilst trying to process this, I looked down and he was on bended knee, holding this notebook open:

He knows me PRETTY well eh? He then whisked me off to Paris for the weekend where amongst other things, I did a good trawl of stationery shops (which I’ll be writing about soon), and on our arrival home he’d organised a surprise party with loads of friends and family to celebrate in our favourite pub. Best weekend EVER. What amazed me most about the whole thing was that so many people have known about it for weeks and no one gave the game away!

He may have made me wait nearly 10 years, but it was definitely worth it.

Anyway, sorry to be all gross and romantic – normal service will now resume. Also, best and most legitimate reason to start a notebook ever?!